5 ways to know you are getting the best technology for laser hair removal.


    Make sure your laser is dual wave-length 1064 ND:Yag & 755 Alexandrite. The will ensure you will have a safe and effective treatment for ALL skin tones. There is a theory that laser is only safe and effective for caucasian skin tones which is false. With the right dual wavelength technology, there is no risk for Fitzpatrick skin types 1-6.


    Touchless lasers allow your technician the capabilities to get into hard to reach areas that often go missed with lasers that touch the skin. The most common places that need touch-less technology will be the Bikini/Brazilian, Lip and Chin.

    In addition with touch-less technology, it gives your technician a visible read on how the hair is responding to the energy. This will allow her to change the settings for immediate best results vs you calling back in 2 weeks letting your clinic know the treatment was faulty.


    Its simply old technology that wasn’t very effective for laser hair removal.

    The best way we can explain is by theoretically putting you into a dark room and playing with light. So here we go………

    Put yourself in a dark room. In one hand you have a flashlight, in the other hand you have a laser pointer (the kind cats like) . You turn the flashlight on and shine it on the wall. While there is a focal point of light on the wall, there is also light illuminated throughout the entire room. In a dark room with just the laser pointer, the only speck of light is the red dot. In the world of laser, light = energy. Both devices emit energy, but the flash light energy is bouncing around the entire room and the red dot has one focal point. That one focal point is transmitting 100% of the energy into your hair follicle. An IPL/BBP/LIGHT Laser gets about 70% of energy into the hair follicle and 30% gets lost in the room.

    So when you are doing research of how to find the best laser for hair removal, stay away from names that have the word LIGHT, and instead ask for a grade 4 laser.


    Does your clinic offer a zimmer treatment complementary? A zimmer machine blows cold air on the exact spot of treatment that keeps the skin nice n’ cool for an easy experience.


    Old technology requires your technician to apply a gel prior to your treatment. This gel is supposed to be a safety barrier between the hot plate of the laser and your skin. The problem is, the gel can absorb energy, therefore reduce your results.

Pure Lux uses a dual wavelength true grade four laser to maximize results. Using a 1064 ND:Yag and a 755 Alexandrite, Pure Lux is proud to offer a laser that is effective on all skin types Fitzpatrick 1-6. With the newest model, our laser is faster and stronger than any other laser in the twin-cities. 

Pure Lux Medspa prides itself by enhancing patient comfort and satisfaction in two ways. Our laser is touch-less which allows your technician to see the area treated for thorough results in hard to reach places and secondly we use an air-cooling system throughout your session to eliminate discomfort. 

The biggest question that we get, when it comes to technology is the difference between and IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) / BBL (Broad Band Light) compared to a true grade four laser. The best way we can explain is by theoretically putting you into a dark room and playing with light.

If you feel you are ready for laser hair removal or want to try laser hair removal again because maybe it didn’t work for you, we are here for you!